
Leluja Original

Leluja Original is a typeface family with 4 weights: Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic. This project was developed by Andrea Kulpas and Omnibus-Type, a Brazil/Argentina partnership. Leluja Original is indicated for printed texts but also performs well in titles. The forms and counterforms of the font are inspired by the version polish for the art of cut paper the Wycinankies. One tradition that had its origin in tree bark and leather, still has explanations that were lost in past centuries, Wycinankies have long been made with colored paper glued to the furniture and roof beams as decoration, on the windows, or even on holiday cards such as Christmas, Easter and birthdays. Wycinankies vary between Kurpie regions, characterized by being monochromatic, while those of Lowicz are colorful, composed of several layers of paper.

  • supervisor_accountKulpas & Omnibus-Type Team
  • assignmentSIL Open Font License, 1.1
  • grid_on4 fonts, 456 glyphs each variant.
  • Leluja Regular selected in Tipos Latinos 2016
    Leluja Dingbats selected in Tipos Latinos 2022
  • check_box public desktop_mac tablet_mac phone_iphone
